Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EEE-2213: Syllabus of Semester Final


  1. Basic Principle
  2. Damper Windings
  3. Speed and Frequency
  4. Distribution or Breadth Factor or Winding Factor or Spread Factor
  5. Equation of Induced E.M.F.
  6. Alternator on Load
  7. Vector Diagrams of a Loaded Alternator
  8. Voltage Regulation
  9. Zero Power Factor Method or Potier Method
  10. 3-dark lamp method of synchronization

Induction Motor:

  1. Induction Motor: General Principle
  2. Why Does the Rotor Rotate?
  3. Slip
  4. Starting Torque
  5. Condition for Maximum Starting Torque
  6. Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Starting Torque
  7. Torque under Running Conditions
  8. Condition for Maximum Torque under Running Conditions
  9. Relation between Torque and Slip
  10. Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Torque and Speed
  11. Effect of Changes in supply Frequency on Torque and Speed
  12. Torque/Speed Curve
  13. Induction Motor Operating as a Generator
  14. Power Stages in an Induction Motor
  15. Torque, Mechanical Power and Rotor Output
  16. Synchronous Watt
  17. Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

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