- Basic Principle
- Damper Windings
- Speed and Frequency
- Distribution or Breadth Factor or Winding Factor or Spread Factor
- Equation of Induced E.M.F.
- Alternator on Load
- Vector Diagrams of a Loaded Alternator
- Voltage Regulation
- Zero Power Factor Method or Potier Method
- 3-dark lamp method of synchronization
Induction Motor:
- Induction Motor: General Principle
- Why Does the Rotor Rotate?
- Slip
- Starting Torque
- Condition for Maximum Starting Torque
- Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Starting Torque
- Torque under Running Conditions
- Condition for Maximum Torque under Running Conditions
- Relation between Torque and Slip
- Effect of Change in Supply Voltage on Torque and Speed
- Effect of Changes in supply Frequency on Torque and Speed
- Torque/Speed Curve
- Induction Motor Operating as a Generator
- Power Stages in an Induction Motor
- Torque, Mechanical Power and Rotor Output
- Synchronous Watt
- Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor