Wednesday, April 30, 2014

CSE-3114/ CSE-3116: Basic Router Configuration via CLI

Today we are going to explore some basic Router configuration commands. We shall use Packet Tracer for this purpose. If you don't have it already, check this post: Computer Networks Introduction
Those of you need a little more familiarization with Packet Tracer, check this post.

Steps to follow:

1.  Open Packet Tracer and place a Router in the workspace. Use a 'Generic' model.

 2.  Add a PC to the work-space and connect the computer with the router using a Console (Rolled) cable. Use RS-232 port of the PC and Console port of the Router. 

3. Go to PC > Desktop > Terminal. A new window will appear; press OK. 

When asked "Continue with configuration dialogue?" write 'no' and press Enter twice.

4. Now use the following commands and observe the behavior of the Router.

* Router>enable   : Enters executive mode

* Router#configure terminal                 : Enters Global Configuration mode
   Router(config)#enable password test   : Sets enable password to test

* Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/0
   Router(config-if)#description Student Lab LAN
Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0 interface configuration mode and adds a description. Optional descriptor of the link is locally significant

* Router(config)#interface fastethernet 0/1
   Router(config-if)#ip address
   Router(config-if)#no shutdown
Sets the IP address of the fa 0/1 port and turns it ON.

* Router# clock set 10:50:00 Oct 26 2014   : Configure the clock

* Router(config)# clock timezone CST -6   : Configure the time zone

For more commands or any problems, feel free to contact me.


  1. sir there is some thing wrong i couldn't do it

  2. Router>enable
    Router#enable password test
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

  3. Sorry, the "enable password" command has to be entered in the Global Configuration mode. You have to give the command "configure terminal" first, and then you can set that password.

    Note that there is a word "(config)" written before the # sign. So, for those commands, we have to go to the Global Configuration mode before entering the command.

    > represents USER mode
    # represents EXECUTIVE mode
    (config)# represents GLOBAL CONFIGURATION mode
    (config-if)# represents INTERFACE CONFIGURATION mode

    use "exit" for going back to a previous mode.

    I have added the command, check it.

    Thank you very much Arup. Please ask again if you still have problems.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sir i am trying to configure the clock but it's showing me that
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

    1. Please write the command that you used along with the Mode. I'll check.
