Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Special Suggestion for Digital Communication (EEE-3217)

Study the following questions:

1. Detection Error Probability (Last Slide, Last Question)
 Download from here  Communication Slides

2. Example 1.1, 3.3, 3.4 from B. Scalar  (pictures are given below OR you can read from PDF)


Monday, February 24, 2014

Understanding HDB (High Density Bipolar) Coding

High-Density Bipolar or HDB Coding is used mainly for Bandwidth compression. Using this coding system, we eliminate a large number of consecutive zeros and replace them with certain codes.

Here, HDB3 and HDB4 will be discussed.  Follow each step and you should have no problems understanding the process.

Bit pattern:   10100001100000100000101

Step 1: For HDB3, (3+1)=4 zeros and for HDB4, (4+1)=5 zeros will be replaced with code.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Solution of Chapter 4 (Corcoran)

Here's a full solution for Chapter 4 of Alternating Current Circuits (by Kerchner and Corcoran).
For Mid 2, it would be enough to do only the selected problems.

Download Chapter 4 Solution (PDF)

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Power Point presentations for Digital Communication

All slides for Digital Communication will be uploaded in this post.

1. Presentation on Nyquist criterion, Aliasing, Reconstruction
We have discussed Nyquist criterion (impulse sampling) and aliasing effect in class. But, reconstruction of signal has not been discussed due to lack of time. Study it on your own. I shall try to discuss the topic before final exam if we get enough time.

Download Nyquist, Aliasing, Reconstruction.pptx 
Office 97-2003 version:  Download Nyquist, Aliasing, Reconstruction.ppt

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wiring Design and Costing Rules

  1. Each group will consist of 3 members. In case of insufficient members, 2 students can make a group.
  2. Group members can be chosen according to mutual consent. There's no restriction in this case.
  3. Every group will submit a unique Floor Plan and member list within 18.02.2014 (Tuesday). Floor Plan will be same for all 3 members of a group.
  4. Rest of the calculation (Electrical Points, Conduit Run, Light Calculation, Conduit & Wire Calculation etc.) will be different for each member. 
  5. Designs submitted by each member will be compared with each other for determining the best design. So, sharing one's designing plan with another is not a good idea :)
  6. Final Submission deadline will be decided later.

 N.B: Floor Plan & Group Member List submission deadline: 20.02.2014 (Thursday).

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 3 Solution Manual: Corcoran

Here's a full solution manual for chapter 3 of Corcoran. There are some confusing problems which you may avoid. I shall try to upload another version as soon as I can.

For Mid 1, it would be enough to do only the selected problems.

Download Chapter 3 Solution